Monthly Archives: September 2016

Should you go to a writers’ conference?


There’s a writer’s conference advertised . Should you go?

Is it worth it?

It costs quite a lot – will you make your  money back?

Maybe those are  the wrong questions to ask.

Try these questions.

Will you enjoy it?

Will you meet other writers facing the same challenges and fears, rejections and deadlines?

Will it make you feel that writing is a bit less of a solitary occupation?

Will you enjoy and learn something from the lecturers and workshops?

Will you  meet editors face to face so that you’re no longer just a name on a query  email?

Will you get a chance to have a one on one meeting with an editor to discuss a book idea that’s been burning inside you?

Will you go home fired and inspired and ready to sit down at your computer with a bunch of ideas?


If the answer is yes – then go for it- and ENJOY